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Liquid And Paste Fillers

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Paste Filler

Semi Automatic Paste Filler – PF 1000.

This is used for the filling of thick fluids, oils  and pastes.



Pneumatically  activated with piston with steeples adjustment  for volume.

Simple and compact structure.

SS construction , easy to use.

Filling volume – 100 ml ~ 1000 ml.

Outlet nozzle  equipped  with  valve to avoid dripping.

SS storage hopper.

Manual & Auto modes.

Speed  : 10 ~ 15 dozes / min.

Accuracy : +/- 1%


Liquid Filler 

Semi Automatic Liquid Filler -LF 1000.

There is no storage hopper for liquid filler.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

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